Thonburi Hospital Public Co.,Ltd.

Robotic-Assisted Gynecological Surgery

Currently, "robot-assisted surgery" is gaining popularity in the medical field due to advancements in technology that enhance treatment precision and safety. Leading hospitals in Thailand utilize this technology for surgical procedures, which involve small incisions on the abdomen instead of large ones. This minimizes patient discomfort and allows for a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.



Robotic-assisted surgery in gynecology is one option for treating abnormalities in the female reproductive organs. It involves the use of robotic technology to perform highly efficient minimally invasive surgeries. This technique is particularly beneficial for complex gynecological conditions such as uterine fibroids, early-stage ovarian cancer, early-stage cervical cancer, certain types of ovarian cysts, abnormal growths in the reproductive organs, fertility issues, and even tubal ligation.


Common symptoms of gynecological conditions include severe abdominal pain, abnormal menstrual bleeding, irregular or excessive vaginal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, palpable lumps in the abdomen, frequent urination, weight loss, and irregular menstruation (excessive or absent menstruation) without pregnancy.


Gynecological diseases that can be treated with robot-assisted surgery include:

  • Myoma uteri , Uterine fibroids
  • Cancers such as Endometrial cancer , Ovarian cancer , Pre-cancerous lesion
  • Benign ovarian cyst
  • Endometriosis , Adenomyosis , Ovarian endometriotic cyst
  • Pelvic adhesion
  • Infertility
  • Chronic pelvic pain


Advantages of robotic-assisted surgery compared to traditional open surgery and conventional laparoscopic surgery are as follows:

  • Highly precise and safe surgery due to clear visualization of internal organs with high-definition 3D magnification.
  • The robotic arms attached to the surgical instruments can move, bend, and rotate in all directions, including tight spaces that are difficult to access for human hands and even conventional laparoscopic instruments that rotate in only four directions. This provides better surgical outcomes.
  • It includes a tremor control system that enhances surgical precision.
  • Minimally invasive surgery with small incisions, resulting in minimal scarring.
  • Reduced surgical time compared to conventional laparoscopic surgery.
  • Reduced blood loss and less postoperative pain compared to open abdominal surgery.
  • Faster recovery, shorter hospital stay, and quicker return to normal activities.


For further inquiries, please contact the Robotic-Assisted Gynecological Surgery Center at 1645, press 1, and then dial 7970 or 7971.


Thonburi Hospital